How to get Cat to use Scratching Post Of 2023

Cats have an innate and natural behavior of scratching surfaces. This behavior serves multiple purposes such as maintaining nail health, marking territory, and stretching their muscles. However, when this behavior is directed towards furniture and other valuable items in your home, it can become a problem. Introducing your cat to a scratching post can provide them with a designated outlet for this behavior, saving your furniture and promoting your cat’s well-being.

Understanding Your Cat’s Scratching Behavior

To successfully train your cat to use a scratching post, it’s essential to comprehend why they scratch in the first place. Cats have scent glands in their paws that leave behind pheromones when they scratch. This marking behavior communicates their presence to other cats and establishes territory. Additionally, scratching helps remove the dead outer layers of their nails. Providing a scratching post allows them to engage in these natural behaviors in a controlled and positive way.

Selecting the Right Scratching Post

Choosing the appropriate scratching post is crucial to encourage your cat to use it. Opt for a post with materials that mimic surfaces your cat prefers to scratch, such as sisal or cardboard. The post should be tall enough for your cat to fully stretch while scratching and stable enough to prevent tipping over. Consider whether your cat prefers vertical or horizontal scratching surfaces, and place the post in an area your cat frequents.

Introducing the Scratching Post to Your Cat

Introducing a new object into your cat’s environment can be met with skepticism. Start by placing the scratching post in a visible but unobtrusive location. Encourage exploration by sprinkling catnip on or near the post. Allow your cat to approach the post at their own pace, sniffing, and investigating it.

Encouraging Your Cat to Use the Scratching Post

Positive reinforcement is key to getting your cat to use the scratching post consistently. When your cat uses the post, offer verbal praise and gentle petting. You can also reward them with treats to associate the post with positive experiences. If you catch your cat scratching furniture, gently guide them to the scratching post and provide praise when they engage with it.

Maintenance and Care

Regular maintenance is necessary to ensure your cat continues to use the scratching post. Trim your cat’s nails regularly to prevent them from becoming too sharp and causing damage to furniture. Keep the scratching post clean by removing any loose fibers or debris. If the scratching surface becomes worn out, replace it to maintain your cat’s interest.


If your cat shows little interest in the scratching post, try placing it in a different location or adjusting the post’s texture. If your cat’s scratching behavior suddenly changes, it might signal a health issue, and a visit to the vet is recommended. In households with multiple cats, provide multiple scratching posts to prevent territorial disputes.

Additional Tips

To cater to your cat’s preferences, offer a variety of scratching post types, such as vertical posts, horizontal scratchers, and cardboard options. Cats’ preferences may change over time, so observe which type your cat gravitates towards.

By understanding your cat’s natural instincts, providing the right scratching post, using positive reinforcement, and addressing potential challenges, you can successfully train your cat to use a scratching post, creating a harmonious living environment for both you and your feline companion.

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